Native Apps
Native apps are applications your most likely to be familiar with they are mobile applications downloaded directly onto your device from usually an app store
What is a Native App How it works RegisterWhat is a native app?
Native Apps are specific to a mobile platform and use the development tools and language from the given platform to develop the application. Native apps are downloaded directly onto the user’s device from the app store. They can be faster and more responsive as they are downloaded directly onto the user’s device. Native apps once downloaded are on the user’s home screen everyday this increases brand awareness and enhances brand experience. Utilizing the benefits of having a mobile app devoted to your brand enables you to create long-term brand awareness helping customers to trust your brand. Having a native app has further marketing benefits through push notifications. Businesses can advertise and press users to open their application unlike marketing emails which aren’t presented directly to the user and can end up in spam.
We are a new business, looking for custom therefore our prices maybe lower than expected. Please get in touch for a quote.
Complex App i.e Ordering App
£199 Start Up
and £19.99 a month
- Google Analytics
- Complex functionality
- Database
- Push notifications
- In App messaging
- Free support
Basic App
£49 Start Up
and £17.99 a month
- Basic Information app
- Push Notifications
- In App messaging
- Simple functionality
- Google Analytics
- Free support
Contact Us
Get in touch today for enquires.
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71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
Call: 07480 064075
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