
Read the latest from SparX Software.

SparX Business Cards and SparX Magic App

SparX Business Cards Now Available to Purchase from our online Shop. NFC enabled technology along with our groundbreaking new app coming to the Apple App Store and Google PlayStore Soon! Will allow you to Write data including Phone Numbers, Social Media Platforms, Link Tree Bios (Containing multiple forms of data) and Websites. This allows you […]

Say This (Drinking Game)

Try out our brand new Game available to download on the Google Play store now. An exciting new drinking game different to your standard games such as ring of fire or piccolo. Don’t just take our word for it. The game has recently been published in an upcoming article about new exciting games to try […]

SparX Software on Social Media and Young People

Jacob, Hartwell   Mobile phones are digital gateways of constant information to young people with no boundaries or escape, they are integrated into our lives, they are extra but feel an essential item in modern life. Scientists are finding it hard to understand whether or not excessive phone use causes mental health problems directly or […]